We have just passed 2010 and are in a brand new year. Has the past year given you what you desired when it comes to women and dating?
If yes, sweet!
However if you are still struggling in the love department, then I believe your intention must be to improve on this area in 2011.
But before you even scribble down any resolutions in your 'women and dating' category, here's something that I read about New Year resolutions, which will be very apt if you want to succeed in dating the woman of your dreams next year.
Which is, most people tend to forget the resolutions they have made as soon as March comes along, let alone accomplish it.
Dark news? But not to worry, here's how I tell you how to turn this situation around.
The way I see resolutions, they are just statements. And this is the reason why they are not effective.
Consider these statements:
- "I want to date 3 times more women this year"
- "I have decided to get myself a gorgeous and intelligent girlfriend"
- "I will approach more girls in 2011"
What's wrong with the above?
For a start, they lack the necessary planning to pull them off successfully - there is no 'support structure' to bear up these statements.
It's like a skeleton, but without the muscles or blood to ensure the body can function properly.
Why not switch to making a masterplan instead?
By the way, a "masterplan" does not need to be fancy. It simply involves answering three critical questions:
1) What do I want to ACCOMPLISH in my dating life in the first 90 days of 2011?
2) What SKILLS do I need to acquire in order to make what I want happen?
3) What EXCUSES do I need to stop making?
Why focus the masterplan around the first 90 days of 2011?
Because - if you don't operate within a precise sooner timeframe (90 days), your brain will believe that there is a lot of time to accomplish this task, which then increases the likelihood that you will procrastinate.
And here are some sample answer to Question 1:
"By the end of the first 90 days of 2011, I will have met and gone out on casual dates with 10 women, before choose among them who would make a supportive beautiful girlfriend who enjoys a fun, spontaneous lifestyle with me."
For the answer to Question 2:
"I will need to improve my conversation skills, so that each time I talk to a woman I fancy, she will be more inclined to meet meet me again and help me increase my chances of developing a relationship with her. I also need to acquire skills to get rid of my fear of talking to women."
And the answer to Question 3:
"Whether is it in getting the relevant skills or talking to women, I need to stop telling myself, 'I'll do it in future' or 'I'll do it next week.' I need to stop lying to myself that it is alright to
postpone my plan or not do anything."
And now, you can create your own answers to the masterplan.
The message is - make 2011 the year where you won't allow yourself to 'sweep things under the carpet'.
Make this the year where you face up to acquiring the essential skills you need to achieve your desired outcome with women.
About the writer:
Skilldo is an 'ex-unhappy' Singaporean guy - who grew from being lonely,
dateless and single... into breaking out of it, and obtained a fulfilling
social life in meeting, dating and entering satisfying relationships with
He is the author of 'The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter'. A
locally-focused guide for Singapore men to approach, date and successfully
attract the type of women they want for themselves.
He maintains a website containing secrets and training for men at -
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