Filing of complaint via video conference
From Sept 19, those who wish to enforce their spousal and child maintenance will be able to file a complaint against defaults in payment via video conferencing at two new locations, instead of filing it in person at the Family Court.
The locations are the Singapore Council of Women's Organisations (SCWO) and the Tampines Family Service Centre (TFSC). The new locations will provide additional channels and make it more convenient and accessible for complainants.
The initiative is part of enhancing the enforcement of maintenance order which involved amendments to the Women's Charter in January this year.
Agencies can also assist complainants who need other forms of social assistance, and those who wish to make use of the service can contact the agencies directly to make necessary arrangements.
Mandatory counselling and/or mediation for divorcing couples with young children
From Sept 26, the Family Court will provide mandatory counselling and mediation in divorce proceedings involving young children. This will begin with divorces for couples who have at least one child aged below the age of eight, and will be progressively extended to families with older children.
The move is in line with the amendment of the Women's Charter in January this year, which was to make counselling and mediation mandatory for all couples who have at least one child below 21 years of age, when they file for divorce.
Providing counselling and mediation early in the proceedings will help parents focus on the welfare and interest of their children before making their decisions on divorce.
Parenting and care for the children will also be discussed, and it will help parents understand the negative impact of divorce on children as well as promoting their children's best interest in their new role as divorced parents.
This service will be provided through the newly-formed Child Focus Resolution Centre (CFRC), which is an extension of the Family Court's ongoing counseling and mediation services.
Counselling services will be provided by the Family Court's Counselling and Psychological Services unit and mediation will be provided by the Family Resolution Chambers.