Just what is so fascinating about these women to attract such attention?
Ms Corinna Lim, executive director of the Association of Women for Action and Research, feels that in all the cases, the women involved are playing out of their gender roles.
“Women are known to be submissive, not so ambitious, but these women are seen to be not conforming to the traditional gender roles,” she said.
“People are generally curious of how these women could have so much power over men and they want to know what the outcome would be.”
She said the extensive media coverage also helped to perk interest among the public.
Mr Chia Boon Teck, managing partner of Chia Wong LLP, feels that Singaporeans are by and large prim and proper. Hence, any sexy news about your Joe and Jane next door would arouse a high level of interest and curiosity.
“The nearer that person is to you, the more interested you would be in the news,” hesaid.
“People are gossipy by nature so if you can claim to know that person, your comments would receive much attention because everyone wants to hear the ‘inside’ story that you maybe able to share.
"If the person involved in the scandal is a celebrity, prominent or high-flying individual, this would also generate much public interest because people are fascinated by the lifestyles of the rich, famous and or powerful.
"Some people may even take comfort in the downfall of such high-profile individuals in that whatever upheavals they may be facing in their own mundane lives, it is nothing compared to the trauma that the high-profile individual is undergoing. And the downfall of others helps them cope with their own problems better."
Psychologist Daniel Koh, of Insights Mind Centre, also thinks that Singapore women are deemed to be quiet, reserved and conservative.
"When they are being pushed into the news, people would be curious what they look like. Hence the frenzied search for their photos online," said Mr Koh.
"People are curious to see for themselves what is the attraction of these women. And when they know what the women look like, they want more juicy details on what went through the minds of these women," he said.
"When a woman involved is attractive, it makes the news more interesting and when it involves high-profile people, everything is heightened."
Ms Jill Lowe, of image consultancy firm Jill Lowe International, feels that news of corruption is sensational enough on its own in a city like Singapore which has preserved a clean image over the years.
She said: "It doesn't matter if the news involve men or women. It's what's happening that we have not heard of before that is of interest to people."

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