FEB 14 is Valentine’s Day, and it is a good time for people to ponder the significance of this celebration and examine the reasons why some people prefer to remain single rather than get hitched.
People stay single for many reasons, and it is usually more out of circumstance than choice, although sometimes it can be a combination of both factors.
Here are a few reasons why some remain unmarried:
Bad experiences
Bitter experiences in the past, such as nasty quarrels and fights, divorce and the pain of being a single parent, might convince people to remain single.
Demanding parents
In Asia, it is not uncommon for parents to discourage their well-educated daughters from marrying men with lower educational qualifications.
Social mismatches
Men who are not well-educated and financially stable have problems finding local spouses, and if they are unable to find foreign brides with more modest expectations, these men might resign themselves to singlehood.
Filial piety
Young people may forgo marriage to look after their aged parents either out of filial piety or to accede to their parents’ demands.
Celibacy is a requirement for those who want to fulfil their vocations as priests, nuns or members of religious orders which require them to stay single.
Aside from the reasons cited above, there is a group of young people who would rather focus on enjoying life rather than marrying and settling down.
Many young, energetic singles live by the philosophy of “Work hard, play hard”.
Material comforts and pleasures are their main priority, and they have little time to think about marriage and children.
A drawback to this lifestyle is that they might find themselves without a companion when they reach old age.
For those who have taken a different route and are about to get married, they should cherish Valentine’s Day as a special day for them to express their love for each other through understanding, forgiveness, sacrifice and devotion.
There is no need for an external show of love through the presenting of expensive gifts.
Love is not measured by the monetary value of gifts, but by giving of oneself selflessly.
I wish all couples a happy Valentine’s Day.
Mr Nelson Quah

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Or no chemistry.
I guess singlehood is more than just choice.
There is a song..that goes.. "if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life; dont make a clever woman your wife."
From a mans viewpoint , he might feel put off by dating too clever a woman.
So maybe its not a case of one who wants to remain single, especially a woman, but one HAS to..because there aint someone special someone around to match them.
(2) old parent issuse, as the pap gov alway tight our parent too closely to it children, this will lead to children/child had no choice but to take care of old/age parent, this will missed their chance of getting marriage
(3) childrend eduction = it need to be sure that school wihtin 1km should accept it pupil.
(4) maid and childred relife, no double that the million dollar minister dont dont all this but most of parents need to work to made the end meet, million dollars spouse dont work.
(5) all psc should only promote marriage staff, non marriage should be left out in the cool, everybody know non-marriage staff had more time for their job...
(6) working parent+childred day at work site, this should encoruage
(7) .....