updated 16 Mar 2009, 06:26
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Fri, Mar 06, 2009
Yomiuri Shimbun/ANN
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Want kids to be more socially adept? Praise them

TOKYO: Children who are praised often by their parents during infancy will likely develop a higher degree of social adaptability – such as exhibiting sympathy for others – according to a survey by the Japan Science and Technology Agency.

From 2005 to last year, a research team led by Tsukuba University Professor Tokie Anme observed the behaviour of about 400 babies in Osaka and Mie prefectures while the infants were about four months old, nine months old, 18 months old and 30 months old.

The research was conducted through questionnaires distributed to parents and by observing the behaviour of both parents and children. They were evaluated on 25 topics in five fields, including “independence” and “sympathy”.

The results showed that children who were praised often by their parents during their fourth to ninth months showed higher social adaptability when they reached about 18 months.

Observers witnessed about half the parents praising their 18- to 30-month-old children when they played with building blocks for about five minutes.

These children also showed enhanced levels of social adaptability.

The survey also showed that regular sleep, stress-free mothers and shared parent-child activities – such as reading books or going shopping together – helped boost social adaptability.

This is the first scientific study to recognise the role of praise in infant rearing. The results of the extended follow-up survey will be announced at a Tokyo symposium tomorrow.

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