Snapshots of local celebrities Fiona Xie and Utt kissing made a STOMP reader feel
indignant enough to signal his disapproval of their perceived "misbehaviour" in public.
STOMP reported that the reader, Ming, felt strongly that the actress and her friend, MTV host Utt, should be more careful of how they carry themselves in public.
In his email to STOMP, he commented:
"These are photos of Fiona Xie and Utt circulating on the net. Should celebrites be responsible with how they conduct themselves or should they be free to express themselves like the rest?"
Meanwhile, other STOMP readers are more forgiving of the pair, saying that Ming has over-reacted, and that celebrities are human too and should be allowed their own space, even in public.
Some others have also said that the kissing pair are no different from other couples who openly express their affections for each other in public.
Too much pretending ... is also not good for us ... :D
so what is fiona & utt r F-ing?
Wake up this is the real world what's wrong with two adults (celebrity or not who cares)kissing in public.
You should consider migrating to the north pole, then again even there you will be complaining of Polar bears and Penguins Fxxking in public. Only alternative is buy a box (aka coffin) and hide in it, the the world wont bother you and you wont bother the world
WTF Ming? Get a life.
Its the ****ing media that's the problem. They always bring this kind of attention to the public and of course people react. What did you expect? The photos were on the internet but it is always the ****ing media that made it big thing. Isn't that what happened with Edison Chen??
These ****ers always give opinions about stockmarkets, commodities, financials, and they have been dead wrong many times. They always play up to the public's sentiment. ****ers also always ask expert opinions on the news from experts such as George Soros, Jim Rogers, etc. But when these experts give their opinions, these mother****ers media people wanna arguement back?...If they already know, why they ask???
****ing Assholes...they are ones who should be sodomised bigtime.