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updated 31 Jan 2010, 21:11
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Stories with this keyword: parents

Parents object to marrying cousin
Many people still think that cousins should not marry because they believe that it is incestuous due to the strong blood ties.
Key to parenting is to understand a child's feelings
Love alone is not enough to bring up well-balanced children.
Kids do say the darnedest things
To engage them, don't dismiss their carefree talk.
Took son ‘to be with him’
Man said son would not be able to adapt to environment changes after he was gone.
It's not just dads who turn bad
Any case of an adult killing a child is particularly horrifying to a child.
Those alive are real victims of suicide
The loved ones, whom they leave behind after their suicide, end up with a lifetime of grief.
Killing flesh and blood out of kindness
Delusional parents who take the lives of their children often think their actions are for the best.
Parents, teach kids about sex
Here are a few steps that parents can take.
When kid's genes spawn competition between parents
Watch out for encouraging signs that your child might just be like you!
Child Protection procedure sees ammendments
Case summary will now be given to the parents before the case goes to court.

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