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Stories with this keyword: wrinkles
Why women wrinkle faster
Biological factors, including having fewer sweat and sebaceous glands around the mouth, cause women to wrinkle more easily than men.
Many people think this grandma is in her late 30s
Freshly minted grandmother Azizah Doll has aptly youthful and doll-like features.
'Who doesn't have wrinkles at this age?'
Singaporeans should adopt a broader, more holistic mindset, rather than just zoom in on the physical.
Hitting the big 40
Former model and actress Jazreel Low has left showbiz more than 15 years ago, but she has continued to face criticism.
A mummy and looking fab
While it is said that motherhood ages a woman, many other factors contribute to ageing, too
Prevent premature wrinkling
When you are exfoliating your face, for instance, just remember to do the same for your hands.
The two sides of wrinkles
That side effect of ageing can be treated through acupressure, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners.
Beauty under pressure
Acupressure can be the young professional's best friend.