One of my best friends just gave birth, and I was beside myself with excitement to visit her and my new nephew.
As soon as I walked in, the first thing she moaned was, "You didn't tell me breastfeeding would hurt!"
Yes, I did.
"You didn't tell me how much and how long!" Ooops, I may have skipped the details.
The more I thought about it, the more I remembered the things that nobody told me before I gave birth!
During pregnancy, you have your OB regularly telling you what is going on and countless books to guide you, but afterwards, it's a different story!
Also, I noticed that everyone is more than happy to give you a list of things you will need for the baby, but what about a list for mommy to help navigate the first few weeks?
Here's some useful information to help you prepare for what comes after your bundle of joy arrives.