conversely, drop off the maximiser and it gets from sexy to zero...
Posted by perceivedtobe on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 at 13:32 PM
Credit to her hubby Chris for his nightly breast cancer checks...:cool:
Posted by johnnykwek on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 at 13:26 PM
answer is no. after boob job no milk anymore ok.. is silicon feeding.. bad for babies
Posted by Terence8080 on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 at 13:23 PM
LOL, that is the "privilege" or curse, depending on whether the lady is happy or unhappy with, in becoming a mother. That is Mother Nature's work and I don't think that Zoe is vain enough to want to enlarge them. Some friends even swear that breastfeeding helps to enlarge them. I have a friend who has a gorgeous svelte body and limbs but always complains about her double-chin and plumb face. One cannot control the fat to go to the part of their body as desired.
Posted by malinablu on Sun, 18 Apr 2010 at 06:14 AM
??? Zoe Tay has always been well endowed.
She has shown off her asset long before .. during the star search....
Posted by Bohliao on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 at 19:38 PM
Ms. Tay is fine. Againg many are envious of her beauty and figure.
She does not need approval of such small minded people.
Posted by d_labedz on Wed, 31 Mar 2010 at 02:34 AM
Why be so mean and say she got a boob job? Maybe the breast feed did it with the aid of a Triumph "ZERO TO SEXY" Maximizer Bra...
Posted by kooldog59 on Sun, 14 Mar 2010 at 23:36 PM
can you get a boob job and still breast feed?
Posted by honda879z on Sun, 14 Mar 2010 at 23:23 PM
conversely, drop off the maximiser and it gets from sexy to zero...
answer is no. after boob job no milk anymore ok.. is silicon feeding.. bad for babies
She has shown off her asset long before .. during the star search....
She does not need approval of such small minded people.
Why be so mean and say she got a boob job? Maybe the breast feed did it with the aid of a Triumph "ZERO TO SEXY" Maximizer Bra...