Confession pages are all the rage. Here is STOMP's choice of confession of the day.
Today's confession is from an Republic Polytechnic student, who says his girlfriend left him for a wealthier man, convincing him that local girls are materialistic and turning him into a playboy.
Here is his confession in full:
"So here's my confession. Recently I had broke up with my girlfriend of five years during the start of holidays.
"So I had been hurt badly by her and became a playboy despite my looks.
"And through the few days of playing around and sweet-talking to girls, I found that it is a good thing that she broke up with me as Singapore girls are mostly materialistic, and not loyal to their partners.
"I had even made some wanting to break up with their boyfriends as they do not sweet-talk to her or shower her with gifts.
"So I will just play around with their feelings and all since its proven that most Singapore girls aren't worth to have a guy to be there for them.
"All they want is to have fun and money, they will never appreciate what their boyfriend has done for them and take them for granted.
"To my ex-girlfriend, thank you for opening my eyes, the five years has been great and memorable, but the few years from now will be better as I will have many girls to choose from.
"This time they care for me and fall for me and I will no longer be serious with anyone.
"And to my current semester class girls, don't be surprised if I start sweet-talking to you. But don't think that I will be serious with you. I will no longer be, and in fact some of you already know who am I.
"If there are any pretty girls okay with me hurting them badly just comment below and I will get in touch with you soon.
"And I would like to clarify and make some things clear before all of you starts jumping up at me.
"She broke up with me because of a third party who is rich and has a car. Moreover, she said that I don't care for her as I no longer celebrate monthly anniversaries with her which I felt that its pointless after being together for so many years.
"I am not that young which many of you think fact I am already 20 as I came from ITE.
"Most of you thinks that its just ONE...but the actual group that made her break up with me are her friends who said I have no money so she won't find any happiness.
"True, I may never find true happiness. But who says that I will be staying here. Plus breaking their hearts is nothing when I am only with them for like one month at best? So nothing to cry about.
"True, I may be a prick but its confirmed, when I have no money girls are like who the hell are you go away...but now when I have more and give them gifts, their view changes.
"So my point is wrong? Its CONFIRMED that Singaporean girls are just materialistic man!"

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birds of a feather, flock together. he should ask himself why he chose this girl as GF, and why he could not keep her. to me, it is just a loser's comment and views, very shallow. :o
U can read get f•ck up life like a story book
good example of 贪图名力, 嫖准模特儿
Read below true fact oit
But eventually hor, you will still choose a local girl at 45yo as overseas one (as if they come free) you also no money to 'support' or 'buy' them too. You need a counsellor. Your mum maybe? :D