Next month's cover of Vogue has the social media all agitated.
The reason: Reality TV star Kim Kardashian and her fiance Kanye West have been featured in the magazine.
It triggered a flood of backlash on Twitter with everybody including fashionistas and ordinary people giving their two cents worth of comments.
Kardashian, 33, appears in a strapless gown in the arms of Kanye West, over the headline: "Kim and Kanye: Their Fashionable Life and Surreal Times" and hashtag #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple.
On the inside pages, the couple appear in photographs by Annie Leibovitz walking down a desert highway and lounging in a private jet. Their nine-month-old daughter North West also makes a cameo appearance.
"This is such a dream come true!!! Thank you @VogueMagazine for this cover! O M GGGGGG!!! I can't even breath!" tweeted the star of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" on her @KimKardashian account, AFP reported.
West - who told an interviewer last year there was "no way" Kardashian shouldn't be on Vogue's cover - was equally pleased, telling his @kanyewest followers: "#TRILL Thank you @voguemagazine."
Fashion enthusiasts flocked to Twitter as well to challenge the logic of Vogue editor Anna Wintour making a sophisticated cover girl out of a Hollywood celebrity who more regularly appears in downmarket tabloids.
"Hell hath frozen over," tweeted Canadian fashion magazine Flare, while style bloggers Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez said: "This is nothing about fashion."
Twitter user @ahDORIble posted: "The last ounce of respect I had for Anna Wintour and Vogue is officially gone."
Many readers aired such views. "I feel betrayed by Anna Wintour and Vogue," wrote subscriber Chris Liu, who also dispatched a tweet at the magazine saying "please do not send me the Kim Kardashian issue", the Mail Online reported.
Influential blogger Bryanboy wrote: "Twenty four years of loyalty to American Vogue and then this."
Outspoken entertainment journalist Nikki Finke also took to her twitter to chime in on the cover, writing: "I'm loving the big backlash aimed at Anna Wintour for putting Kim Kardashian on Vogue cover. Issue should come with barf bag."
Former Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar tweeted that she is going to cancel her Vogue subscription over the cover.
"Well... I guess I'm cancelling my Vogue subscription. Who is with me???"

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