They have three children - son Koi Jun, eight, and four-year-old twins I-Yin, a girl, and Kai Yang, a boy.
Any woman would be upset if the parents of her fiance asked him: 'Can she have children or not?'
But Ms Lim, who met her husband Chong Chan Meng when she was 36 and he was 25, took it all in her stride.
And children? They have three now, with the birth of their twins being fertility-assisted.
Apart from the initial child-bearing concern, his parents, both retired civil servants, were supportive of the relationship. He says: 'I was very surprised they took it so well. I had expected my mother to be more traditional.'
He is the middle child, with an elder sister and a younger brother. She has one sister and three brothers. Her parents have passed away.
The couple met in 1998 at a social dance event - he had just returned from studies at Stanford in the United States and she was helming new dance school Jitterbugs Swingapore.
They were friends for a year and getting attached just 'snuck up on us', she recalls.
She says: 'He balances my frivolousness. I'm an emotional and flighty person. He is the opposite and I need that in my life.'
She adds: 'I partied in my 20s and am no longer interested. He was never into it. He's just born like that.'
They married in 2000 after a year of dating, with him giving her advice and moral support for her work at Jitterbugs. The school has now grown into a dance and entertainment company, located at The Cathay.
Both get along with each other's friends, although there is an obvious difference in ages and career stages.
Other hiccups include different references when discussing things because 'we come from different TV eras', she says with a chuckle.
He says: 'I like her because she is independent and gives me the freedom to be myself.'
What about the age gap? She says: 'Age was never an indicator of maturity for me, but if it has to be considered, then you could say at least my husband is not an old fuddyduddy. He's a wonderful combination of a young fuddy-duddy.'
This article was first published in The Sunday Times.