LEONARD OW, 22, full-time national service, and ANA OW, 33, editor
They have a one-year-old son, Keyaa.
Most young men in national service (NS) are thinking of where to party, their girlfriends and how their studies are going.
But Mr Leonard Ow's thoughts are mostly with his wife Ana and their baby son.
At just 22, he is already a married man of well over a year, and also a father.
And his wife is 11 years older than him.
Theirs is a unique relationship and yet, no different from what other love-birds go through. She says: 'We share a connection and our marriage is bound by a clear sense of commitment.'
She was a part-time dance instructor in her late 20s and he a dance student of about 17 when they first met. They became close after two years of socialising on and off the dance floor, and started dating when he was 19.
That was when Ms Ow, an only child, moved in with his family. His parents are divorced and at that time, he was staying with his mother and elder brother.
She says: 'We liked being around each other and decided: 'Let's just be in one place together'.'
Family members might have been surprised at the gap in their ages, but all were supportive of the relationship when it was clear both were serious about each other.
They got married early last year after eight months of living together. She was 32, while he was 21 and entering NS.
Little Keyaan was born last November and Mr Ow books out of camp every day to see his son.
She says: 'Leonard brings a certain kind of enthusiasm to the relationship, even though he is introverted and analytical.'
Showing a maturity beyond his years, he was caring throughout her pregnancy, massaging her during labour and consulting with the nurses and obstetrician. His tongue-in-cheek reaction after their child was born: 'That was fun!'
She recalls fondly: 'I rolled my eyes at this choice of words, but it also struck me that his approach to our relationship was so positive and willing.'
The only challenge, he says, is: 'In terms of income, I obviously don't have much now. That's the only thing I see that is missing from this entire situation.'
She adds however: 'I am happy being the one supporting us right now and his time will come to contribute financially.
'He is already supporting the family by being with me throughout childbirth, driving us around on errands and fetching me home when I work late.'
That is because he is 'not your typical 22-year-old', she says, adding: 'He's not interested in partying or video games, but prefers to go to Ikea with me to seek out bargains and deals.'
The couple have been living with her father in the east since their marriage and will soon move into their new home, a four-room flat opposite her dad's.
As for naysayers, she points out: 'I'm just a woman who fell in love with a man 11 years younger. People will believe what they want to believe, but I never bought into this 'cougar' label.'
She says that a doctor, who delivered their son in a natural drug-free birth, told her: 'Your husband, despite his age, is more 'man' than most of the husbands I have witnessed.
'Either they faint from the sight of blood, fall asleep, get engrossed watching soccer or call for the doctor to administer drugs to speed things up.'
This article was first published in The Sunday Times.