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Fri, Nov 13, 2009
The Sunday Times
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Maternity benefits: The New Rules

To shore up Singapore's flagging fertility rates, maternity benefits were enhanced last year to include:

  • An extension of paid maternity leave from 12 to 16 weeks.
  • The qualifying employment period for a new employee to be eligible for maternity benefits was reduced from 180 to 90 days.
  • Maternity leave benefits were also made payable if the pregnant employee was dismissed 'without sufficient cause' in the last six months of pregnancy. Previously, the protection period applied only to the last three months of pregnancy.
  • A new provision entitled a woman retrenched in the last three months of pregnancy to get paid maternity leave.

    How MOM can help

    If a woman loses her job while she is pregnant, she can file a complaint with the Labour Relations and Welfare Division of the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) by making an e-appointment through its website or write in to MOM by fax, e-mail or mail. An officer then fixes an interview.

  • If she lost her job during the protection period as specified in the law, MOM conducts an inquiry. If the company is not able to show any just cause for the dismissal, it may be asked to reinstate or compensate the employee.
  • If the woman was dismissed outside the protection period, she can still complain to MOM, which then conducts a conciliation meeting between employer and employee to help solve the dispute
  • (To lodge a complaint with MOM or for more information, call 6438-5122)

This article was first published in The Sunday Times.

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