Most men wished that their wives would stop nagging as naggy wives reminded them of their mothers.
According to Shin Min evening daily, a study on online parenting magazine,, was carried out among 100 married men who were each asked to list what they wanted most from their wives.
On the issue of nagging, many men hoped that their wives were simply able to specify what was required of them, give them a deadline and they would get the job done dutifully. The incessant nagging does not work as they would automatically tune out once the badgering starts.
Next on the list, men wanted their wives to be more appreciative of their actions. Instead of harping on what they didn't achieve, women can focus on what they've sacrificed.
In addition, men wanted their wives to stop micromanaging their relationship with the children. If the wives keep interrupting and have the final say in every decision from which movie to watch to whether their child is allowed to eat ice-cream, the man of the household will feel he lack the rights to parenting his own child.
Here is the top 10 list of what men want of their wives:
1 - Stop nagging
2 - Appreciating their contributions
3 - Don't be a Nazi
4 - Stop guilt-tripping them
5 - Life to be less intense, more relaxed
6 - Give allowance for mistakes
7 - Lower their standard in terms of household chores
8 - Respect our personal sex life
9 - Acknowledge their presence - they deserve a say in any major decision-making
10 - Don't neglect them because of the kids