BABY Ayden’s story has moved readers.
Already, more than 15 readers have called or e-mailed to offer direct donations, medical advice and special milk powder.
There was even an offer to help raise funds for the little boy through the Internet.
The New Paper reported yesterday on our front page the plight of Ayden Soong’s parents.
Their child, who is 20 months old, suffers from a congenital heart defect.
His liver is failing and he has defects in his eyes, face and bones.
But doctors have told Ayden’s parents that he needs surgery to correct his heart abnormalities before he can be considered for a liver transplant.
Ayden’s mother, Ms Tee Bee Ling, 35, is ready to donate part of her liver to her baby boy.
But doctors from KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital believe he is too high a risk for surgery.
Desperate to save their boy, Ayden’s parents are now looking for help in other hospitals in Singapore and overseas.
One reader, a 42-year-old IT consultant who declined to be named, said that he can relate to the Soongs because he, too, is a parent with a young daughter.
His four-year-old daughter was recently diagnosed with autism.
“So I know how Ayden’s parents feel. But Ayden’s parents are facing a much more challenging issue than I am,” he said.
He wants to donate $500.
Another reader, Mrs Ivy Goh, said her baby is on a special formulated milk called Noecate LCP Hypoallergenic.
She wants to donate five 400g cans of the formulated milk to Ayden if it is suitable for him.
One reader, who works for a local women’s magazine, wanted to help the family raise funds through her magazine’s Facebook page.
Said Ms Karishma Tulsidas, 23, an editorial assistant: “We are very touched by the story and we think that we can help the family raise funds for Ayden’s medical treatment.
“We have thousands of fans on the Facebook group and many of them are parents... I’m sure this story will touch them enough to want to help Ayden.”
Another parent wanted to help in whatever way she could, including providing transport.
Said Madam Allyson Shee, 37, a logistics coordinator: “I love children. I have two children of my own... I hope Ayden’s parents do not give up.”
Ms Tee had insisted on giving birth to Ayden because she didn’t want to give up on him, despite doctors telling her and her husband that he would not live long after being born.
Ayden’s parents are grateful for the offers of help and good wishes.
Said Ms Tee: “I’m glad that people want to help my son. I’m sure we will need all the support and help we can get in our journey to help Ayden lead a normal life.”
Ayden is scheduled to see doctors at the National University Hospital later this month.
[email protected]
This article was first published in The New Paper.
She mentioned that they will try their best to study Ayden's cardiac scan today and raised in the Forum on Tuesday,25May to further discuss what is the less risky way to study his heart in depth before planning the possible multiper heart surgery for him.
She also mentioned that if they really cant assist us then our next option is to be opened to USA.
12) Lovely Nancy and hubby came all the way down from far east to meet me in town by public transport. They met Ayden and reader Eve. We all sat down for a hearty chat.
The kind-hearted couple went the extra mile to collect funds for Ayden though no firm surgery in due course. We would like to thank their personal friends,colleagues,business associates and family who have raised $1536 for Ayden.
I have deposited all the funds $2036 into Ayden's bank account together with my company funds of $16,878.30 raised last year before Ayden become 1yr.
9) Lovey motherly Eve met Ayden,my hubby and me last Sartuday,15May and she past me $200 NTUC vouchers.This help us to purchase the daily necessity for Ayden's need. She also bought him an Elmo ballon. Initally Ayden cried but after he saw us in a friendly chat his eyes grew curiously at us. He being to be himself and gave us the winsome smile :) Thank you Eve.
FYI she just gave birth not long ago and wow she is slim. I envy her figure :)
She too advised me to try and yes I have sent them an email on Tuesday noon. Hope to hear from them soon.
I really thank those who have help me further let more readers know of this story. This may help me to attract doctors/medical staff who know of any good surgeons to help me out or even someone who have mutually good relationship with surgeons to take up this challange.
Can anyone teach me how to create a blog for Ayden. I tried at but unable to. Steps are simple but when i login with my userid and password there is an error encounter. I have submitted a ticket for help. Hope to hear from them soon.
Firstly let me share our 13th reader who shower care and concern for Ayden.
13) Creative Steven Hoo is the 1st reader to comment on this web and really put a smile on my face even after the visit to NUH this afternoon on 19May. Cos this shows I didnt self comment all the way.
We had a few sms exchange and he shared with me that he will further discuss with his friends the possibily of organising a cycling trip to raise funds for Ayden. This sms really surprise me as this is not going to be easy. Such an event is consider a big project to handle.
Like the Nike solgan:"Just Do It". Go Steven Go.
My Name is Steven Hoo.
I am very proud of your fighting spirit on your son Ayden.
Please advice how can i contact you for the purpose of a humble contribution.
My email is [email protected] or i can be reach at 9671 5957.
Steven Hoo
Voxx Events Management
We also like to thank all readers who have prayed for Ayden and gave us lots of encouragement to move on since we came so far already. We will be strong for Ayden who is our mighty warrior as he still have a long battle ahead.
11)Lovely Aileen See donated $100 to us but we suggested to issued the cheque to the hospital Ayden is currently seeking treatment.
Cheque(in Singapore Dollars and drawn on banks operating in Singapore only) should be crossed and made payable to âKK Womenâs and Childrenâs Hospital Pte Ltdâ or "KKH Pte Ltd".
Mail to:
KK Womenâs and Childrenâs Hospital
100 Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 229899
Attention: Business Office
My son's full name is: Ayden Soong Jin Kai
Many thanks for your care and concern towards Ayden.
As parents, our extraordinary love never fails to bond with our children as we work towards the same faith.Mended Hearts are a symbol of hope, healing and love. A mended heart is stronger, wiser and infinitely gifted with the ability to give the most profound love. Hearts are the center of the body and soul. The spirit of the heart is boundless. We hope to look forward in mending his heart and his liver soon.-Tiffany