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updated 17 Jan 2010, 11:56
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Stories with this keyword: lady gaga
Female celebs born in the year of the Tiger
Girls born under this sign are believed to be fierce, rebellious and ill tempered and unpredictable. How true is it for these celebrities born in the year of the Tiger?
Going gaga over extreme style
Karen Tee looks back on an eventful year and picks her favourite trends and items of 2009.
Is Sun a Gaga wannabe?
Critics accuse S’pore singer Sun Ho of copying Lady Gaga in her new music video.
Lady Gaga a he or she?
Clips on Youtube show Lady Gaga with a distinct bulge under her short outfit.
Lady Gaga’s guide to looking good
Tips on looking good from the style chameleon of pop.
Gaga mania
Don’t get your knickers in a twist over Lady Gaga’s style.
Going Gaga
Fashion is her life, says Lady Gaga, who insists on buying items from her fashion shoot with Urban.
She's quite the Lady
Everything you thought about headline-grabbing singer Lady Gaga is wrong, well, almost.