A mirror, a comb, a cellphone and even your jacket – these everyday items found in your bag can help you overcome a much stronger person, and possibly save your life.
Self defence instructor, Qin Yunquan from Kapap Academy says that strength and size does not matter, demonstrating how even a small-sized girl can overcome an attack from behind - so long as she knows where to place her weight.
Qin raids the bags of average women on the street, to find out what can be used to save themselves in a dangerous situation.
Click on the thumbnails to find out.
Another thing to carry is a personal alarm system, its small compact and makes a lot of noise when triggered.
Most important is to have your wits about you and make a dash for it. Running away works 95% of the time.
Still, the best weapon a woman can carry are knife, pepper spray, and handgun! I wont let my daughter leave home without it!