SINGAPORE - Singapore women's group Aware released a statement today applauding the government's actions to promote marriage and parenthood and boost fertility.
Among the initiatives lauded was the grant of a one-week government-paid paternity leave, and allowing mothers to share one week of their maternity leave with their spouses.
However in its statement, Aware said it was "disappointing", that unwed mothers continue to be denied maternity and parenting benefits.
It added: "The policy to deny unwed mothers also contradicts the current direction of the Government to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor and to give every child an equal start in life.
"Access to childcare subsidies, motherhood benefits and housing benefits should be granted to all parents, without discriminating against unwed parents or stay-at-home parents."
Without these benefits, "these families, who most need the support, will continue to suffer," said the group.
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