SINGAPORE - Amelia is not alone. Thanks to the Internet, the sugar daddy trend has exploded, with sites like Seekingarrangement. com, Sugardaddysingapore. com and Sugardaddie. com.
Currently billed as the most successful of these sites, says it is merely helping along "mutually beneficial arrangements".
The site alone has over 400 listings of Singapore- based sugar daddies looking for female sugar babies.
The men's ages range from 30s to 50s.
Some state what they will spend on a potential sugar baby. Others talk about their jobs, which often seem to be in the finance industry.
Over 700 Singaporean sugar babies have also listed their profiles on the site, advertising themselves.
Most of these girls are in their mid-20s.
For many, a normal date will see the happy couple going out for dinner, perhaps a movie, with maybe some intimate time spent together at home afterwards.
The site prides itself on respecting privacy and sugar babies can rest assured that their potential sugar daddies and mummies have their backgrounds checked.
Although it is not a compulsory process, the background verification promises to increase the number of views one's profile will get.Sugar babies will be able to check if their potential sugar daddies and mummies have passed the background check, which includes checks for sex crimes, assaults and battery, violent crimes and domestic violence.
Sugar babies are granted free access to the site if their profile is accurate and an approved photo has been uploaded.
Sugar daddies and mummies are entitled to a free trial, where they can send up to 10 e-mails. After that, they can upgrade their accounts to gain full access.
There are also more than 150 male sugar babies.
And only one sugar mummy.
Amelia says she stuck with her current sugar daddy after meeting several potential ones.
Several men contacted her after a few days of her setting up a sugar baby profile, but she turned them down for several reasons.
"Some of them were really fat and ugly. Some were paying very little, only about $300 a month," she says, while rolling her eyes.
"If you want to pay so little, go look for a prostitute."
She explains: "At first when I went out with a few of the men, they tried haggling over prices with me. It's not like prostitution. If you want to pay me $300 for a one-time affair, maybe it's still reasonable. But as a sugar daddy, it means I have to spend more time with you than a prostitute. I need to doll up and look good for you. $300, not enough."

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三精成一毒,意思是在不长的时间里一个女人要是跟几个男人有那事的话,前精后液很难干净,几个男人精液会互 相作用,这是一种很毒的物质,毒肉杀肌,用现在的话说,就是能够致癌。
如果多个男性的精液混合在一起,精子为了获得优先入住权,可能会释放某种毒素,杀伤对手。这些毒素在杀伤对 手的同时,也会毒害精子本身和妇女生殖系统。所以性关系的混乱程度与罹患妇科恶性肿瘤的几率成正比,性伙伴 越多,毒素越强烈,身体的内部环境也会越糟糕。至于会对子女的相貌和性格产生什么影响我就不清楚了,不过这 样的女性生育的孩子肯定不会很强壮,甚至丧失生育能力,糟糕的土壤是孕育不出鲜艳的花朵的。
美国学者研究中写道:淫乱妇女同纵欲男子一样,存在着极大的患癌危险。美国学者在调查一所妇女监狱时发现, 妓女患宫颈癌的人数,比其他女犯人高5倍多。卖春女性交多、乱、杂,内分泌功能紊乱,泌乳素分泌增多, 极易促发癌症。少女子宫颈和乳腺组织处于不稳定阶段,易受损伤。如过早、过频地刺激(包括触摸末发育成熟的 乳房),往往到了中年以后易患癌症。尤其是18岁以前开始性活动的女人,患宫颈癌、乳腺癌的人数,比性活动 较晚的妇女多3倍以上。
directly translate to "Three refined into a poison"
Too cheem yr chinese....Can pls explain whad it actually means in lay mans terms....Thanks....need to improve my understanding of chinese;)
I think you mistaken on the meaning of "exclusive" lah....
She's exclusive to you for that night only;)
Or an alternative system would be
That is 1 3 5 (Mon Wed Fri) is sugar daddy no 1 then 2 4 6 (Tue Thur Sat) is sugar daddy no 2 and 7 is their rest day lol:D
Nowadays there is no sense of shame and morality.....In the old days at least its covered up or hidden in one dark corner but now every **** is out in the open.......