Each time I read such an article on women complaining about unfair treatment (Train Men To Do Chores, LifeStyle, March 28), I like to pose three questions:
# Why is it that whenever a lizard or cockroach gets into the house, men have to do the extermination?
# Why is it that whenever a car gets a flat tyre, men have to do the hot and sweaty work of changing the tyre?
# Why is it that whenever there is a fire, it is always 'women and children' first?
So, stop complaining. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Unfortunately, Singapore women are contaminated by the decadent West.
Learn from your gracious counterparts in Thailand and Taiwan, where womenfolk take pride in serving their men, and men take pride in protecting and providing for them.
Why can't Singapore women stop nagging?
Nagging is a sure way to drive men to imitate philanderers such as Tiger Woods and Jack Neo.
Lee Hock-Soon
I agree with the writer that there are men who regard household chores as the domain of women.
These men were most likely brought up in households where both sexes share this belief.
A tradition such as this goes back a long way and is hard to eradicate.
At the other end of the spectrum, there are some women who expect their husbands/boyfriends/dates/male acquaintances to be chauffeurs/ATM machines/errand boys all in one.
Kok Kum Fai
This article was first published in The Straits Times.