updated 24 Dec 2010, 17:35
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Mon, Mar 01, 2010
The Star/Asia News Network
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Drunk dads are dangerous

A FEW years back when my son was 10, a neighbour invited us to a Chinese New Year party at her place.

Besides food, liquor was served.

My husband's face and neck turn red every time he takes liquor, even if it's just a sip.

That night he drank more than a glass full. His eyes turned really red, although he was not drunk.

After we arrived home my husband said he felt sleepy and went straight to bed.

Our two boys and I stayed up to watch TV.

Minutes later, the older one came and sat beside me. In a concerned tone, he said: "Mum, I think you should sleep in the hall tonight."

I was surprised and ask him why.

"Dad looks drunk. It will be dangerous sleeping in the same bed. I don't want to end up having another brother or sister."

It always tickles me to think back on our conversation that night.

I think it must have been a case of his watching too many Chinese TV dramas – every time a guy gets drunk, some woman is bound to get pregnant.

Well, I was stunned and wasn't sure what to say.

I cannot remember what I told him but I did sleep in my room – and nothing happened.

That's one of the wonders of having children; once in a while, they will drop a bomb and surprise you.

As I tell my friends who are afraid to get married and have kids, parenting is cool and fun.

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