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Thu, Jan 15, 2009
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Fine to dress down - outside school

I REFER to the commentary, "Wearing shorts sluttish? Give me a break" (my paper, Jan 14).

I am aware of the situation the columnist refers to, having graduated from a tertiary institution not long ago.

When I was in campus, there were many students who dressed casually in shorts, micro- skirts and tank-tops.

Some students sported dyed hair and came to classes with thick make-up.

I am not for or against their style of dress, which is now common.

However, I wish to point out the fact that most local tertiary institutions and universities (except junior colleges, which have uniforms) uphold a common dress code.

Many students in these institutions pursue higher learning for the sake of professional advancement.

Thus, I hope that these students would be responsible when it comes to their actions, moral obligations and, yes, dressing.

As pointed out by the writer, students' university years mark their first steps into adulthood.

Dress is an important indicator of one's image, regardless of one's race, religion or social background.

Students should be grateful that they have the opportunity to further their studies and contribute to Singapore's progress.

Dressing sloppily in class could project a negative image not only to lecturers, but also to the general public.

My question is: What is so wrong about dressing appropriately for school?

Everyone has many opportunities in their private lives, such as at home and at outings with friends, to dress casually and let their hair down.

I hope that my honest opinion on the issue will not be seen in a negative light.

Mr Muhammad Dzul Azhan
Haji Sahban

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