updated 24 Dec 2010, 16:09
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Fri, Dec 24, 2010
The Star/ Asia News Network
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Am I a love rat?

I AM beginning to really believe that humans are never satisfied. I am in my mid-20s and recently began a relationship with someone who is six years my junior. Although a six-year gap is not really a big deal, I am now starting to feel that it is.

In the beginning, everything went smoothly and it did not bother me because we got along fine. Things changed when I got to know A, who is my age, through a friend.

We exchanged numbers and soon got to know each other better. We had a few drinks and meals together, and exchanged constant text messages. We can hold a decent conversation and are never short of things to talk about.

Now, I cannot stop thinking about A. I feel comfortable with her as we have the same maturity level, which I don’t share with my current partner.

I think it is normal for humans to feel excited about something new or fresh but I worry that I may turn into a love rat in the future. I consider my current relationship stable but what worries me is that it is not enough!

I am beginning to drift and have thoughts about someone other than my partner. I want to address that problem now because when I do get married in the future, I wouldn’t want it to end in a divorce.

If this gets out of hand, I am afraid I might hurt people, especially my partner, because I am the first of everything that she has encountered up to now. Imagine the disaster!

Need Advice

STOP worrying so much and follow your heart. You will not be doing any girl a favour by hanging on out of kindness and guilt.

Perhaps you are not even ready for a relationship. Right now, you are comparing a younger, immature girl to a woman who is of your age and emotionally, intellectually your equal.

What will happen when you find a few other women who are attractive, smart and in sync with you?

Are you going to worry and fret because you cannot seem to make up your mind on love?

You are only in your mid-20s, so relax. You do not need to commit to a relationship until you find someone so wonderful that no one else can keep you attracted and distracted.

When your heart and mind roam, it can just mean that you have yet to find the right gal. If your partner cannot keep you fulfilled and contented, then it is kinder to tell her now.

She will hurt, cry and hate you for a while. But if she can understand that you are trying to do the right thing, she should forgive you.

We cannot always hope for happy endings. Sometimes, we end up friends with ex lovers. Occasionally, we get some who can never forgive or forget.

If you are sweet, kind and considerate, chances are you will make more friends than enemies.

However, the choice of a partner for life should never be an impulsive act of weakness.

more: love sos
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