updated 10 Jan 2011, 14:43
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Wed, Jun 23, 2010
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She discovers her boyfriend has wife and mistress

Hopes of a happy marriage for a 28-year-old singer from China were dashed when she found out that her 46-year-old businessman Singaporean fiance had no intention of marrying her at all.

Instead, she discovered that his marriage proposal was a lie, as he did not divorce his wife to be with her, like he had first promised. But there was yet another twist to the story - her fiance was seeing another woman on the side all at the same time.

The singer, who was identified as Miss Zheng and comes from Qingdao Island in China, spoke to Lianhe Wanbao about the man who had courted her with promises of marriage.

According to Miss Zheng , she had met the businessman at a club in Jalan Sultan where she was working as a singer last year. She had applied to work in Singapore and was granted a two-year work pass. The pretty-looking singer, who says she has six years of experience in this trade, met him in January last year.

He told her that he owned an engineering firm, and appeared genteel in his manners and dressing. All these left a good impression on her. He would also spend sums of between $1,000 and $5,000 to buy flower garlands to show his support for her at the club.

They then lived together for one month in Singapore, and the man indicated that he would divorce his wife to marry her. He also asked her to quit her job, and return to China to wait for him while he began proceedings to divorce his wife and marry her.

She quit her job at the club and returned to her native Qingdao, where she waited for eight months to marry him. She told the Chinese evening daily that she had graduated from an arts school and sang popular contemporary songs at the club.

The businessman also returned to Qingdao and met her parents before returning to Singapore. But contact with him became less frequent. She would wait daily for his phone calls but he did not try to contact her. After failing to reach him, she got in touch with a good friend of hers in Singapore who then told her that the businessman has been seen back at the club with a new girl by his side.

Miss Zheng also managed to contact the man's wife and new girlfriend.

She told Wanbao: "His wife said that her husband never discussed divorce with her. I also found out that he went to Jilin County with his new girlfriend. His girlfriend also told me over the phone that she has been waiting for two months to marry him."

She admitted that she was unlucky to have been duped by him, although she knew that male patrons who visited the club were often there to play the field after six years of experience in the trade.

readers' comments
Haha, come to Singapore, sing some songs where u r workin, make some money and go back to china lah...y want to find businessman here and marry? Blinded by the $$$ issit. Serves you rite. Hope all china girls will learn their lessons here...
Posted by SingaporeHitler on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 at 11:10 AM
gundamwingX, well, you are right. If she's not to be blamed, then, her boyfriend should be blamed but actually, it takes two hands to clap. Generally, if a man has no good reason to divorce his wife and cheats on her, then, he will cheat one lady after another.
Posted by malinablu on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 at 10:36 AM
Wah this ah pek champion!! i salute you !! Ah pek- 1 China Girl - 0.
Posted by carelesswhisper on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 at 08:58 AM
The moral of the story: Such club is never a good place to look for a life partner. You are asking for trouble!
Posted by Simonyps3 on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 at 08:56 AM
which man in singapore not married but still playing china meimei one?
Posted by kanninaboo on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 at 08:43 AM
I see that there is only one thing on her mind - MONEY. When her plan to marry the businessman failed, she starts contacting the wife and girlfriend and get such news published on the papers. Does she have any position to do so? In the first place, she's the home breaker.
Posted by Dracula on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 at 08:37 AM
i also 46 leh but not a businessman and cannot afford to cough up $1000 - $5000 for flowers.
Posted by user3114 on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 at 08:16 AM
Another peaceful and nothing much happening around Singapore period.
So media come out with this kind of juicy story for all to read about and have something to gossip about at the work place, coffee shop, and even in the bedroom too.

What's new here?
A well to do business man cheat on his wife, two timing his so called mistress, nothing so extra ordinary here.
And stop targeting PRC for whatever sensational story you chose to read here. It's the media that knows plenty of bore and sex deprived Singaporeans love this kind of juicy news.
So just read it and get entertained.
Posted by lordwukung on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 at 20:09 PM
Since she claimed that she had 6 years of experience in the trade, there must be something more than what she had revealed to the press...She is definitely streetsmart and even knew how to contact his wife and his other girlfriend...Can you believe that she did not have a hidden agenda by speaking to the press and getting this published?...
Posted by kooldog59 on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 at 19:36 PM
But S'poreans love to imagine that they are always the ones who get played out. And if their people play out others, their supporters will always have excuses to justify their people's actions - ie that the other party deserved it.
S'poreans are saints.
Posted by Ssquirrel on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 at 19:19 PM

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